In order to be eligible for, and apply to the NJ DOL State Training Program with Montclair State University, all interested students are required to first verify their program eligibility with the NJ Department of Labor (DOL)directly. Only those students who are authorized by the NJ DOL, and their workforce development counselor, will be eligible to apply for consideration with our University.
If you are eligible to apply for the NJ DOL State Training Program, apply to the University through the appropriate Admissions department.
Undergraduate Admissions – Students that have not obtained a bachelor’s degree
Graduate School – Students that have obtained a previous bachelor’s degree or seeking a graduate degree
Once you have completed both of these steps and have been accepted to the University, please email to obtain the mandatory Montclair State University class questionnaire. Please note this questionnaire is only sent to students once they have been accepted to the University.
Students are also responsible for ensuring that they have an active Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you have not already submitted a FAFSA form for the current academic year, please visit their site to begin the process.
If you have further questions regarding the NJ DOL State Training Program, please be certain to review the appropriate information below.